Joint project
Djunta Mon - come together. get involved.

Cooperation between the agencies o Ritmo Switzerland and Dada's Animation Cape Verde

Together with our friend and local partner, Alveno Soares (guide and social worker and owner of Dada's Animation), we are also involved in social activities in addition to tourism. To this end, we have launched the joint project "Djunta Mon - come together. get involved" programme. The aim of the Djunta Mon community project is to provide help where it is urgently needed and, above all, to educate the next generation.

We at o Ritmo GmbH have included "voluntourism" in our programme. Interested volunteers can either set up their own project or ask us where support is needed. These are realised according to local needs and with young people and adults. We are open to ideas and are happy to organise your very personal, individual and unforgettable stay.


Getting children off the streets and supporting them in their personal and academic strengths

Creating barrier-free access to education, promoting inclusion and a sense of community

Supporting sustainable, local and regenerative tourism

Creating jobs and strengthening tourism in a sustainable way

Facilitate intercultural exchange and an unforgettable travel experience


Our first heartfelt project is the "Djunta Mon" community centre, which we set up during the coronavirus pandemic. A centre for leisure and education and a meeting place for young and old was created in the "Ribeira Bote" district. Find out more about the community project and our community centre here.

In Creole, "Djunta Mon" means "holding hands" and symbolises the meeting and cooperation of people from different countries and cultures. Our community centre is a place where local children and young people and travellers from all over the world can meet and learn together.

Djunta Mon Association Switzerland

In October 2022, we founded the "Djunta Mon Switzerland" association in Switzerland. All income such as membership fees or donations go directly to the community project. These funds are used to pay the local team at the community centre, rent the centre building, provide lunch for the children, pay for teaching materials and toiletries and cover other day-to-day running costs.

Donation account

Djunta Mon Association Switzerland
IBAN: CH92 0070 0114 8071 0099 6
Brandstrasse 25
8952 Schlieren
